Local ministry background:
Radek is an active member of Free evangelical Church in his home town Kolin, Central Bohemia region. His Christian community is very active in outreach. And Radek is fully involved in several follow-up activities for young people, sports’ activities, weekend retreats and other special events.

The goal of Radek’s HY ministry is to naturally share healthy life principles with children and youth. He wants to show them that there is someone truly interested in them, their issues, life choices and struggles. He helps to point out the various risks and offers healthy solutions.

Radek admits, “Nowadays some schools, after they had experienced my programs, ask exclusively for programs about the Bible and Christianity. They are also interested in my personal testimony of my faith.”

Radek joined the INCZ team of Healthy Youth ministry workers in January 2010.


Visit the reportages from Radek’s programs and taste the atmosphere of this work:
March 2023, November 2013

More about programs

How he became a HY Worker:
Radek used to work in the commercial area. Then he heard God’s calling to serve in Healthy Youth ministry. And this is the very right spot where he belongs and fits perfectly.
Interestingly, in his previous employment for an advertising agency, he was asked to do some work for a company that engaged in activities connected with sex and immorality somewhere in a cellar. Radek refused to do this order and at the same time prayed that the company would stop doing what they were doing. Today in that very same cellar there is a leisure time club for young people, which Radek helps to organize and where students from his programs can come.

Radek is a dynamic HY Worker and puts a lot of energy into his talks. Although the lectures are well-prepared, and he uses presentations and videos, they are never dull.
Radek enjoys being among children and youth, and he alternates his talks with short skits, discussions with students and also involves volunteers in the presentations.


Program topics and resource:
In cooperation with well-established Christian organization called ACET (Aids Care Education Training), Radek quickly familiarized himself with a number of program themes.

Today he offers schools such topics as:
Love, AIDS and the Relationships
Do Not Let Them Hurt You
Bullying – For Problematic Collectives
Pornography and the Cult of the Body
Cults and Sects
The Friendship and Love
Healthy Relationships
Promiscuity and Prostitution
From an Addiction to Death


“I listened to your entire talk about the cult of the body and pornography and I felt that you literally hit the nail on the head. Thank you for your words. I am sure you certainly did grab the students’ attention. Personally, it was as if you were speaking from my heart, and based on my own experience. I consider your words to be very true.”
A secondary grammar school principal

“On behalf of myself, my colleagues and pupils I would like to thank you for the very beneficial discussion with the students of our school. All of them liked your talk and we immediately started recommending you to other schools. Once again, thank you so much. We look forward to further cooperation.”
A teacher

“The discussion session with you was one of the best I have ever experienced during my pedagogical career. It was focused right on the topic. It was funny, engaging, and the method of presentation by using video clips from movies impressed our children from the pupils’ residence hall very much. I will look forward to further cooperation with you and I am sending your contact details with my sincere recommendation to all my fellow colleagues who work in education.”
An educator